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Dear Customers, shainsky-face.JPG (16140 バイト)

It is with great pleasure that we at Petaluma Poultry Processors introduce our full line of natural poultry products. We specialize in meeting the needs of gourmet chefs and health conscious consumers all over the United States and are proud to now have our products available in Japan.

We appreciate the cooperation and support that has been extended to us by MLT Trade International, Inc. and Kakiuchi Group so that we may offer our products for sale in your country. They were the ones who sought out our company and who have been strongly persuading us to introduce these products into the Japanese market. This is our first time that we have been able to offer our products outside of the United States and it represents a new era in the history of our company.

Petaluma Poultry Processors was founded in 1971, but I have been personally involved in raising and marketing chickens for over 60 years. Our company concentrates on producing the highest quality poultry products available anywhere. For the past ten years, we have been marketing "RockyR the Range Chicken", a free-range chicken raised without anti-biotics on a diet containing no animal fats or animal by-products, In 1988, "Rocky Junior" was created to provide a smaller version of antibiotic-free, flavorful chicken. Rocky Junior is several weeks younger and about 2 Ibs. smaller, but enjoys the same feed and living environment, except that he may only roam indoors. Plans are currently underway to produce "Rosie the Organic Chicken" by early 1998. Rosie will be also be raised without anti-biotics and the diet will consist only of feeds that have been certified as pesticide free!

As you can see, our company has a long history of producing high quality, naturally raised poultry products. We also recognize the sophistication level of the Japanese consumers and understand that they are seeking high quality chicken products of this type. We look forward working with our marketing partner in Japan, Kakiuchi Group, as we bring our products to leading hotels, restaurants, and health conscious consumers in your country.

We invite you to try Rocky products yourself! Rediscover the true old-fashioned chicken flavor found in our entire line of natural poultry products!

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Allen Shainsky
Petaluma Poultry Processors


Our Mission: Provide superior quality poultry products and service to satisfy our customers



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Last update: 2000/11/06

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