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MLT Newsletter

April 2001

Supermarkets in California Serving Natural & Organic Foods



Natural & Food 
Expos held
in California
and Chiba

In March 2001, two expositions were held in Anaheim, California and Makuhari, Chiba encompass a broad range of product types, draws exhibitors and buyers from around the world including our business partners as Petaluma, Amy's and Kakiuchi........


Amy's Kitchen 
since 1987

The company was born a little more than a decade ago in 1987 when the Berliners daughter, Amy, was born but it dominates several categories in health foods and expects $60 million in sales in 2001.........


1 Natural & Food Expos held

Anaheim, California

A record-setting 2,400 exhibits attracted visitors
(from its website)

A record-setting 2,400 exhibits will showcase the latest innovations in the $28 billion natural products industry March 8-11 at the Anaheim Convention Center . The 21st annual Natural Products Expo West, the country's largest display of natural products, will be attended by more than 30,000 retailers and manufacturers from over 25 countries.

"U.S. sales of natural products are stronger than ever, and we're seeing impressive growth in international markets," said Susan Beninati, vice president, marketing, New Hope Natural Media Tradeshow Division, producers of the event. "It's a challenge for retailers to stay up to date when new products are being introduced internationally on a daily basis. Natural Products Expo West has become the one place where retailers and manufacturers can view the latest natural products being introduced all over the world."

"This year, Natural Products Expo West has been selected by the U.S. Department of Commerce to participate in its International Buyer Program," Ms. Beninati continued. "This program, designed to connect buyers from around the world with U.S. companies interested in exporting, will bring our international participation to new heights in 2001."

To simplify the shopping process for attendees, 12 product-specific Pavilions will showcase exhibits in the categories of Supplements, Functional Foods, Home & Textiles, Organic Raw Materials, Personal Care, Pet Products, Raw Materials, Vegetarian Foods, Publishing, Environmental, International and Specialty Foods.

Makuhari, Chiba

A total of 2375 booths exhibits all kind of foods from Japan(671) and overseas(1704). Visitiors during the exhibition reached 93637.

In Makuhari below, Kakiuchi's booth has attracted many visitors. 

2 Amy's Kitchen since 1987

The Berliners, Andy and Rachel with Amy

ANDY BERLINER and his wife Rachel started Amy's Kitchen in Santa Rosa with the goal of filling a niche. Both "vegetarians and health food people," they found little of good quality offered in health food stores, so they decided to start their own line of vegetarian food. Finding that it was possible to use organic vegetables and grains to make convenience foods, they decided to make a quality frozen line which was natural and not yet available. Rachel was pregnant at the time, emphasizing the fact that, as they got busier in their own lives, the Berliners had less time to cook.

 Convenience food which hadn't been imporant to them before was clearly going to become more and more prominent. Berliner had a background in the food industry, and they figured there were more people like them who would like to have reall), good natural food without having to make it themselves. They chose vegetable pot pies as their first product, basing the product on one of the original frozen food favorites, Swanson's pot pies. "A Iot of us grew up on those pies, and they had a sort of comfort concept in our minds," Berliner says. .............................

Please click here for more information

www.amyskitchen.com  is under construction

(From the Editor: April 2001)

MLT continues its efforts to keep updates on relative business information about the industry and hopes to bring readers with more valuable and interesting information. We target all our time and effort to "organic" foods so as to keep our eyes on "healthiness, freshness, cleanness" of our quality life today. And we always appreciate your support and welcome your comments and suggestions, thank you.

(Past issues)

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