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What is A Natural ChickenH

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  What does the term "natural" mean when used on labeling for meat and poultry products in the United States? How can so many producers claim to be natural?

USDA policy memo 005, dated November 22, 1982, states that any product may be labeled natural if it does not contain any artificial flavoring, coloring ingredient, chemical preservative or any other synthetic ingredient, and the product is minimally processed. Minimal processing may include those traditional processes (smoking, roasting, freezing, drying and fermenting used to make food edible or preserve it or make it safe for human consumption. (The full text of USDA memo is available upon request.)

As one can readily see, the USDA natural claim represents little more than a minimal standard. It saves more about what may or may not be in a meat product than what should be in it. Specifically, it does not address growing methods and in particular, the use of antibiotics or growth enhancers for livestock and poultry . It is legally possible to offer naturally grown livestock or chickens that have been fed antibiotics. In fact any conventionally grown chicken can qualify for this natural claim as stated in the USDA memo.

Allen Shainsky and Petaluma Poultry Processors strongly believe that these higher natural standards should be incorporated in a new USDA policy memo in order for chickens to be labeled natural. They are as follows: @

₯ grown from one day of age without the use of any antibiotics, also excluding the use of sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics for enhancing growth that are commonly used in conventional chickens

₯ fed a nutritionally balanced diet of corn and soybean meal, without the use of animal fat, and animal by-products

₯ grown in uncrowded spacious houses with natural daylight, and the chickens should be able to roam freely throughout the growing house

₯ grown and handled in a humane manner at all times during their life

₯ of course if natural chickens get sick, they should be treated with antibiotics and removed from the natural chicken program and sold as conventional chickens

One misconception about natural that should be eliminated regards the use of hormones and cages for meat bird chickens. Hormones have not been fed to meat bird chickens for the past 35 years. Meat bird chickens are never grown in cages.

Because the USDA standard represents such a low common denominator, it is left to the retailer as the purchasing agent for the consumer, to investigate and determine the growing standards of individual livestock and poultry producers claiming to be natural.

Rocky Jr. or Rocky The Range Chickens are a true natural chicken and have an approved USDA Label claim to prove it.

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For more information contact Allen Shainsky or Wayne Dufond at:

ž TEL 707-763-1904 ž FAX 707-763-3924

P.O. Box 7368 Petaluma CA 94955-7368



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